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All translations - Aneta B.

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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin hinc gladium inde crucem tam forti quam pia manu...
hinc gladium inde crucem tam forti quam pia manu tenet illo pugnavit in hoc signo vicit

Completed translations
Polish Tu miecz, tam krzyż ...
Source language
English Dear Ing. M (man), would you please proceed to...
Dear Ing. M (man),
would you please proceed to compensate us as you promised?
Would you be so kind to reply us?
Thank you.
Kind regards
the word (man) shouldn't be translated

Completed translations
Polish Zechciałby Pan wypłacić rekompensatę
Source language
English Dear Ing. M (man), we hope everything is fine...
Dear Ing. M (man),
we hope everything is fine with your businesses.
How would you like to compensate us, as you wrote in your previous email, for the device …. for which we paid 1350 EUR and we never received?
We have been waiting for long time. We hope you will act honestly in order to solve the problem.
Thank you.
Kind regards
the word MAN shouldn' be translated

Completed translations
Polish Drogi Panie inż. M.
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese Não concordo com a nomenclatura homo sapiens para...
Não concordo com a nomenclatura homo sapiens para o homem, pois ele não sabe usar a inteligência e o raciocínio para o bem. Apesar de ser racional é o único animal que faz a guerra, destrói o ambiente, mata por prazer, engana por querer, estupra, escraviza e trai a confiança dos que com ele convive. O homem deveria ser chamado de homem demente ou homem agressivo ou, simplesmente, destruidor.

Completed translations
French Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la ...
English I disagree with the naming of the ...
Latin Dissentio genus humanum hominem sapientem vocandum esse
Bulgarian Не съм съгласен(а) с терминологията "Хомо Сапиенс"
Source language
English the best part of you is the child in you
the best part of you is the child in you
Добър ден, имам само една забележка за превода, бих искал да бъде преведен "смислено" и "буквално", ако е възможно. Благодаря предварително! :)

Completed translations
Latin Pars optima tui est liber in te.
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese "Amizade Verdadeira... Contigo estou em paz"
"Amizade Verdadeira... Contigo estou em paz"
Eu irei fazer uma tatuagem junto com uma amiga e gostaria de transcrever essa frase acima pro latim que é a língua que eu quero tatuar.
Agradeço desde já pela tradução...

Completed translations
English "True Friendship... with you I am at peace"
Latin "Vera amicitia... cum te in pace sum".
Source language
English The employer undertakes
The employer undertakes to pay an amount of 20,00 Euro to the employee at the end of the entire contract term (not in the case of untimely notice) for border crossing regulations.

The entrance visa will not be extended in the working destination due to impossibility to provide visa extension for six months for all the employees of East European countries , according to the Egyptian law.

Completed translations
Polish Pracodawca zobowiÄ…zuje siÄ™
Source language
English it is going to rain tomorrow
it is going to rain tomorrow

Completed translations
Italian Domani pioverà.
Source language
Danish Før mig bort!
Før mig bort!
Skal bruges til en dramatisk effekt, hvor personen derefter skal forsvinde på mystisk vis...

English bridge: "Take me away!"

Completed translations
Latin Me aufer!
Source language
Danish Nogle gange er det godt at være lidt skør
Nogle gange er det godt at være lidt skør
Bridge: 'Sometimes it is good to be a bit crazy'/gamine

Completed translations
Latin Aliquantulum demens esse interdum bonum est.
Source language
Danish anerkend mit argument
Anerkend mit argument
"Admit my argument'. bridge/gamine.

Completed translations
Latin Concede mihi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Η σκέψη σου μου δίνει δύναμη να ζω.
Η σκέψη σου μου δίνει δύναμη να ζω.
σκέψη ως αναμνηση

Bridge by User10: "The thought of you gives me power to live" (thought=memory)

Completed translations
Latin Cogitatio tui vim ad vitam mihi dat.
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese tudo posso naquele que me fortalece
tudo posso naquele que me fortalece
Gostaria de obter a tradução para Aramaico, se possível.

Completed translations
Icelandic Allt megna ég fyrir hjálp hans, sem mig styrkan gjörir.
Polish Wszystko mogÄ™...
Latin Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat.
Source language
Polish Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoś...
Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoś kto współpracował z moją
firmą został oszukany.Wydaje mi się że Pan K..... ma duże kłopoty
finansowe będę chciał Panu zrekompensować poniesioną stratę.Proszę mnie
powiadomić czy do chwili obecnej nie otrzymał Pan urządzenia, K.....
odbierał z Zakładu dwukrotnie urządzenia dla Pana.Pozdrawiam

Completed translations
English Complaint response letter
Italian Risposta alla lettera di reclamo
Source language
English Robbie williams- feel
I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in,
I got too much love,
Running through my veins, going to waste.

Completed translations
Latin Amorem verum sentire...
Source language
English Bullying
The more kids are aware of what bullying is, the better. Kids need to recognize bullying when they see it, so they can, at least, try and stop it.

Completed translations
French Brutalités
Latin Quo plus liberorum quid obiurgare esse sciunt...
Chinese traditional 恃強淩弱
Source language
Italian E……. mai ricevuto Ing. M…. (uomo)
Gentilissimo Ing. M….. (uomo) la ringrazio per la email.
Le confermiamo che abbiamo pagato 1350 EUR per il dispositivo elettronico E……. e che a distanza di molti mesi NON abbiamo mai ricevuto il vostro prodotto dal sig. K…. (uomo).
Siamo molto tristi e dispiaciuti di essere stati vittima di una truffa.
Lei è l'unica persona che ha il potere e l'autorità per fare qualcosa per risolvere il problema.
Potrebbe cortesemente aiutare a risolvere il problema e a tenerci indenni dal danno subito provvedendo personalmente ad inviare il prodotto che abbiamo acquistato al nostro indirizzo in Italia?
Un cordiale saluto,
la parola (uomo) non è da tradurre.

Completed translations
Polish Prośba
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish 2)Nie narzekaj, że masz pod górę gdy ...
2)Nie narzekaj, że masz pod górę gdy zmierzasz na szczyt.
3) Drzewo podczas burzy, jeszcze mocniej zapuszcza korzenie.
4) Szczęście mi sprzyja.
5)Jestem dzieckiem boga i szczęście mi sprzyja.
Witam proszę o przetłumaczenie na język arabski zdań gdyż bardzo podobają mi się i chce sobie z nich zrobić tatuaż.

<edit> Took "1)Rogata dusza." off the translation request, as it is breaking our 4th rule.</edit>

Completed translations
English Don't complain it is uphill ...
Source language
Italian traduzione italiano-latino
Punta all'impossibile: muta in realtà il tuo destino di successo.
Questa frase è un'augurio, un'esortazione fattami da una persona molto cara, di cui vorrei la TRADUZIONE, in forma correta sia dal punto di vista della grammatica che del significato, IN LATINO; così da poterla scrivere sul mio corpo... Per tale motivo tengo particolarmente alla qualità della traduzione.
Grazie anticipatamente

Completed translations
Latin Impossibilia pete...
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